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Chinese Employment and Labor Laws

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Explain the human rights issues that are currently happening in China.

Assess the impact of Chinese employment laws on the resolution of these issues.

Identify and evaluate strategies and tactics focused on managing these human rights issues.

Please explain whether you feel that companies have an ethical obligation to go above and beyond Chinese laws to impose American standards or whether you believe Chinese employment law is sufficient for companies that are considering doing business in China.

Please provide references.

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Solution Summary

Explains the human rights issues that affect Chinese labor laws. Provides ample references.

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Human rights in China

Human rights in China are a matter of dispute between the Chinese government, international organizations, the people of China, and other countries with an interest in China. Prominent organizations such as the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International, and the Human Rights Watch have all accused China of restricting free speech, the free movement of persons, and sociopolitical rights. They say that China does say to improve "national culture" and development. China claims that this isn't really the case and that its human rights record is improving.

Source: "Human rights can be manifested differently" China ...

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