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Ethics of Promoting IT Products for Political Reasons

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Is it ethical for IT vendors such as Google to promote the use of their information technology products in pursuit of political revolutions in various countries?

Make sure to spell out the utilitarian and deontological considerations involved, and distinguish between them.

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Is it ethical for IT vendors such as Google to promote the use of their information technology products in pursuit of political revolutions in various countries?26
Step 1
It is ethical for IT vendors such as Google to promote the use of their information technology products in pursuit of political revolutions in various countries. The reason for this is that in main, the use of information technology products have been used to further the cause of democracy. The products of IT vendors have enabled the communication of concerns among the participants, mainly the people of the countries. Consider the example Egypt, communication through the information technology products have been instrumental in gathering support, assessing the mood of the people of the country, and taking action against non-democratic government (a).
Step 2
The use of information technology products has been made for communicating the problems of unemployment, inequalities among classes, censorship, high costs of living, and frustration. This sharing has led to the realization that these problems are endemic and that a political change holds the promise for improved socioeconomic conditions. The people of Tunisia shared their problems of poverty, political deprivations, social repression, and corruption. This sharing of information was possible because of information technology products, and the sharing of information led to certain events that culminated in 'revolution'. ...

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