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Research methods

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Write a paper describing the scientific method and the fundamentals of research. Address each of the following in your paper:

o Define the scientific method. Tell how it relates to human services research.

o Describe the steps in the process of scientific inquiry. Tell why each of these steps must be included to support the scientific method. Provide a human services research example of the scientific method and identify each step within your example.

o Define quantitative research and qualitative research. Explain how they differ and relate each to the human services field and the scientific method.

o Describe how to decide whether to use a quantitative or qualitative research methodology. Provide examples of what sort of study is appropriate for each methodology and explain why.

o Define mixed method research and describe its strengths. Provide an example of when it is appropriate to apply mixed method research in the human services field.

o Summarize how scientifically sound research supports the function of a human services manager.

? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines and include at least two references.

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The scientific method
How it relates to human services
Qualitative and quantitative research methodology

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Research methods topic short answers

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? Define the scientific method. Tell how it relates to human services research.
The scientific method has its basis in a number of steps including experimentation, observational analysis and establishing data-driven findings. In human services' research fields; be it medical, pharmaceutical, social work or psychological intervention services related, the use of scientific method is imperative.

Based on evidence gathered from research studies, newer drugs and medical treatments are not only supported but also modified and improved over time. Without scientific research, their creation and efficacy calibration will not be possible.

? Describe the steps in the process of scientific inquiry. Tell why each of these steps must be included to support the scientific method. Provide a human services research example of the scientific method and identify each step within your example.

1. Stating the research problem or research hypothesis is the first step in implementing a scientific inquiry for research in a given field of study. It arises and takes a solid shape, once a trained researcher figures out that some information may be necessary but is missing, and to explore such information, the researcher proposes the research problem.
2. Then comes, set up of variables and experimental conditions.
3. This is followed by selecting or randomly assigning qualified participants, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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