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In humans, the ability to taste PTC is inherited as a dominant gene (T; Taster). in a marriage between two heterozygous tasters (Tt):

a) what is the probability of 3 taster children?
b)what is the probability of 3 taster girls?
c)if they have 5 children, what is the probability that the first 3 will be tasters and the last 2 nontasters?
d)how many different ways could they have 3 taster and 2 nontaster children in any order?
e)what is the probabilty that they will have 3 taster and 2 nontaster children in any order?

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a) The probability of three taster children is 75% or 3/4. Each of he parents produces two heterozygous gametes each: T, t resulting in four ...

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