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How many types of telophase II products can be formed if a homozygote (AA or aa) is under study?

How many types of telophase II products can be formed if a heterozygote (Aa) is under study?

How many kinds of gametes can be formed if the genotype is AABB? Make a drawing of this type of cell in Prophase I. Label the chromosomes.

How many kinds of gametes can be formed if the genotype is AaBb? Make a drawing of this type of cell in Prophase I (zygotene). Label the chromosomes.

How does each one of the Telophase II products (one of the 4 cells in the tetrad) compare with the Prophase I cell with regard to chromosome number?

(See attached file for full problem description)

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See the attached file for the same text, but formatted so that it's easier to read.

If an organism has the genotype AABB, the only possible gametes have the genotype AB.

In Prophase I (first step in meiosis), homologous chromosomes pair up. Each of the chromosomes is made up of 2 sister chromatids because the chromosomes have already replicated (this happened during interphase), so the cell looks like this:



If you can't see the diagram, there are 2 homologous chromosomes each made up of 2 sister chromatids, each will the alleles A and B. I'm assuming that the A and B genes are on the same chromosome. If they ...

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