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Risk Reduction and Perineal Exercise

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Please help with the following statistics problem. Provide step by step calculations.

A person reads a research study of the effectiveness of perineal exercises in preventing urinary incontinence and notes that the number of subjects in each group is 120. She notes that 20 women experienced episodes of incontinence in the experimental group and 52 women experienced episodes of incontinence in the control group. Based on these findings, she calculates the absolute risk reduction (ARR) of perineal exercises on incontinence as
A. 16.6%
B. 20%
C. 26.7%
D. 43.3%

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The following posting helps with a data collection problem. It helps calculate the absolute risk reduction of perineal exercises on incontinence. Step by step calculations are given.

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Problem: A person reads a research study of the effectiveness of perineal exercises in preventing urinary incontinence and notes that the number of ...

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