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Should gender roles be taught and upheld by parents?

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1. If you had 6 year old son, and he wanted a doll, what would be your reaction?
2. What if he wanted to bring it to his First Grade "Show and Tell"?

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This is a discussion of two hypothetical situations involving a parent with a 6 year old son who wants a doll. What decision should be made by the parent? Over 350 words of original text.

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1. If you had 6 year old son, and he wanted a doll, what would be your reaction?

Well, I wouldn't want him to have a doll. I know that's probably not politically correct to say in today's world but that would be my reaction. I believe that there are differences between the genders and those differences are important. Society, such as it is, will bombard my son with countless messages proclaiming that there are no differences between men and women. I disagree with that view and would be opposed to supporting that ...

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