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Using sociological imagination to understand social change.

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Use your sociological imagination to discuss the connection between individual experiences and the social impact of being unemployed and the impact of unemployment as a broad issue.

In America today there are nearly 15 million unemployed citizens. Unemployment is certainly an economic drain on the nation. However it should also be remembered that unemployment can be devastating to the individual as well. And with so many people out of work there are very few of us who haven't lost a job or know someone who has. Since unemployment can lead to depression, insecurity, feelings of isolation and panic, the reality is that there are many families suffering, both economically and emotionally, during this time of economic hardship. (Deprez, Esmé E., 2009)

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This discussion focuses on the technique of using sociological imagination. How can an individual learn to make a sociological connection between their individual experience and the reality of societal problems and challenges? Nearly 700 words of original text along with references.

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In America today there are nearly 15 million unemployed citizens. Unemployment is certainly an economic drain on the nation. However it should also be remembered that unemployment can be devastating to the individual as well. And with so many people out of work there are very few of us who haven't lost a job or know someone who has. Since unemployment can lead to depression, insecurity, feelings of isolation and panic, the reality is that there are many families suffering, both economically and emotionally, during this time of economic hardship. (Deprez, Esmé E., 2009)

How individuals internalize, relate to and deal with unemployment is an interesting study. There are many factors that can alter the impact of unemployment on the individual. I college age student who lives at home for example may not be drastically impacted by being unemployed. This is especially true if his parents have the funds and willingness to pay his expenses until he finds a job. A single person would most likely ...

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