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Ethical and legal considerations regarding treatment planning and treatment

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Describe any ethical and legal considerations that should be taken into account regarding treatment planning and treatment in the case study attached.

Develop a treatment plan for Sharon that includes the following information:
Current symptoms or indicators
Goals (long-term and short-term)
Objectives/outcome criteria

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The ethical and legal considerations regarding treatment planning and treatment are determined.

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Dear Student,
Hi. In this particular problem, you are to do 2 tasks - 1, which is to present legal and ethical considerations with regards to the creation of a treatment plan for a subject and 2, which is to develop a treatment plan based on the information provided to you. While this appears complex, the key is to make your answer concise and focused - this means that you will be able to create a coherent answer. Now, I suggest using this outline:

Part X - short overview of the case (100 words)

Part 1
1. Ethical & Legal considerations - 200 words

Part 2 (Treatment Plan)
1. Problem identified and observed symptoms/indicators - 100 words
2. Goals, objectives - 100 words
3. Methods and services to be utilized - 100 words

This should yield around 600 words which should be enough for this task. You can use the listed resources to further explore the topic. Good luck with your studies.

AE 105878/Xenia Jones

About the case

Sharon was referred by her lawyer due to her DWI charge. Her reasons for driving while intoxicated is simple - she had too much to drink down at her favourite pub. The Pub is important to her as it is her 'social scene'. She has moved quite a lot for her work and in her local pub, she feels right at home primarily because many who go there came from her home town as well. She is lonely and would love to date but is awkward about meeting men - her only social life is in the pub she goes to. So while there, she lives it up and gets 'pretty smashed' at times. She disclosed that what motivates her to drink to the excess and to keep going to Willy's Pub is her loneliness - she is lonely and alcohol fills the void.

Ethics & Legal Considerations

Clearly, Sharon has a drinking problem. We understand that her drinking is motivated by her loneliness and the need to be with people - to have a social life and to have people who care. But before we can prescribe a treatment plan, it is essential to be aware of the ethical and legal considerations in terms of dealing with an alcoholic. Legally, it is important to ensure that Sharon's visit to you is either voluntary or legally prescribed. In such a setting, the legal and ethical considerations of confidentiality, informed consent, duty to care and client self-determination kicks in. Additionally, it is important that the therapist or specialist is licensed and trained to do so - this is one of the key legal considerations as no one without the right qualifications and experience is legally allowed to provide treatment. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism or NIAA explain them as follows ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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