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Clinical Psychology Questions

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1. List and describe 3 advantages to using the DSM multi-axial diagnostic system.

2. Why are standardization of administration and test reliability so important in IQ testing?

3. What are some of the major differences between the Ph.D. and Psy. D. degrees?

4. Why can dual relationships be so harmful to a client. Describe a nonsexual situation that could be problematic.

5. Working as a licensed psychologist in the state of Maryland requires all but which of the following:

A. Attainment of a doctoral degree
B. Competion of an APA-approved internship
C. Inclusion in the National register
D. Passing the National Exam (EPPP)

6. Fast forward 10 years. You are now a practicing clinical psychologist. A client is referred to you for a comprehensive evaluation. List and describe at least 3 ways you could evaluate him or her. (Do not include IQ testing)

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Solution Summary

The solution provides information, assistance and advise in tackling the task (see above) of providing answers to the 6 questions under the topic of clinical psychology. Each of the questions are answered and concepts within their domains are explored. Resources are listed for further exploration of the topic.

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Dear Student,
Hi and thank you for your trust. You have been given a straightforward set of instructions and you just need to ensure that all the questions listed are provided an answer. Since you did not indicate the resource you are using for this class, I am assuming that your professor is expecting you to undertake the necessary research from available resources that are current. The solution below should get you started. But first, the question will be - how shall you begin? I suggest doing so by deciding on a structure. I suggest utilizing the outline you have presented in the original problem as follows:

1. Advantages of DSM
2. Standardization of IQ Testing Administration (present some samples)
3. On PhD & Psy.D differences
4. On the risk of Dual relationships
5. Maryland Psych practice
6. Evaluating methods - 3 ways

You can also use the listed resources for further exploration of the topic. Good luck with your studies.

AE 105878/Xenia Jones

On the DSM Multi-axial system

Why is the DSM multi-axial system an ideal administration of mental health concepts? For clinicians to "have a thorough understanding of" mental health disorders (Kirkwood, 2012), then a multi-axial system is ideal in that it lists and accounts for all known conditions, what constitutes, describes, and causes each including treatment and most important of all - classification. The DSM, which is short for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, has been published by the American Psychiatric Association since 1952, evolving from a manual developed by the US Army. The initial idea was to provide a 'common language' and standardize all classification and attribution of mental illnesses and criteria. As a multi-axial manual is organized into a 5-part system, as each access is a classification of specific 'families' of issues and mental disorders, assessment becomes much more organized and administering the profession as well as ensuring standardization of practice has been made effective since the codification of the manual in 1952.

The 5 Axes are as follows - axis 1, clinical disorders, which lists all major mental disorders, learning disorders and substance use disorders, axis 2, which lists personality disorders and intellectual disorders, axis 3, which lists all acute mental conditions and physical disorders, axis 4, which lists all psychosocial and environmental factors (as it relates to the disorder under study using the DSM system), and axis 5, which is the utilization of the GAF or the 'global assessment of functioning' which is essentially a scoring system that rates the incidence accordingly to determine the gravity of the disorder, which is essential in ascertaining treatment. The DSM has gone through 4 emendations and revisions with the DSM IV being the most recent and currently used in practice across the US for the classification of all mental disorders. It has also found favor around the world.

Standardized IQ Testing

Why are tests standardized? The idea of ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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