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Adolescent Health and Wellness

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What are some of the symptoms and causes of adolescent anxiety associated with starting High School? What types of interventions can parents and/or school personnel do to help during this initial period of adjustment?

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This solution explains the symptoms and possible causes of adolescent anxiety associated with starting High School. Parent and/or school interventions are also explained.

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1. What are some of the symptoms of adolescent anxiety associated with starting High School? What type of interventions can parents and/or school personnel do to help during this initial period of adjustment?

Starting high school can be a very exciting time for an adolescent. It can also be very confusing and quite scary for some teens. There are many changes from primary (elementary) school. Many teenagers "go backwards" for a while as they learn to adjust to the new changes. The new changes or challenges a new high school student faces include:

Body image changes:

The adolescent is going to be in a school with older more physically developed students who are virtually adults. This may be stressful for a new student entering high school, especially compared to the previous year when he or she was the oldest in the school. Don't forget that your teen too, is about to enter or already has begun puberty.

School system changes:

When they start high school it is usually a much bigger place with many more students and they are at the bottom rather than the top of the school. Unlike, primary school, high school students, usually has different teachers and classrooms for every subject and this can be very confusing. As well many ...

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