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Developmental dyslexia in children

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Please help me answer the following questions. Please answer with at least 2 pages.

1. Select a type of aphasia (or pure alexia, dyslexia, dysgraphia) and describe the underlying functional neuroanatomy and possible causes of damage to that anatomy that would result in the dysfunction.

2. What deficits would be expected, and what functions would remain intact?

3. How would the aphasia affect a child functionally at different levels of development?

4. What interventions might be used with a child affected by your selected aphasia?

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The solution examines dyslexia in children. The underlying functional neuroanatomy is examined. The interventions used on a child affected by aphasia is determined.

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There are different types of dyslexia: trauma, primary and developmental. In trauma dyslexia, parts of the brain that are involved in reading and writing are injured or suffer a concussion. In primary dyslexia, front part of the brain is a dysfunction of the left side of the brain's cerebral cortex. Due to this dysfunction, reading becomes difficult.

Developmental dyslexia leads to reading disability in a growing child. As the brain ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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