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Pavlovian conditioning

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Bernadine/classmate brings up a fear of Dentists. Many people do have a reaction to and fear of Dentists. My cousin began fearing going to see the Dentist when she had her first cavity at 11 years old. Prior to that, she did not mind going at all.

Please explain how she might have begun to fear the dentist labeling the (unconditioned stimulus) UCS, (conditioned stimulus) CS, (unconditioned response) UCR, (conditioned response)CR.

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Pavlovian conditioning is clearly explored in this case.

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This is a form of classical, or Pavlovian conditioning, which is an associative form of learning. Pairing of the two stimuli endows one of them with the ability to act as a signal for the other. Your cousin went to the dentist to fill a ...

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