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Response for Domestic Violence Counselling

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I need help with responding to Maria and assessing safety and working on safety planning for Maria and Jamie. Your response should be as if you are speaking to Maria.

Here is an optional resource link that may assist https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles-planning-worksheet
A Safety Planning Worksheet (domesticshelters.org)

How to Respond
*The breif response when speaking with Maria, should include "a expression of concern."
*The breif response also when speaking with Maria, should be asking to talk about safety planning ("*Before", "*during," and "*after and event").

Maria scenario safety planning Video 2
**Maria goes on to tell you about the domestic violence in her relationship with Jamie. For this video you will want to assess for safety and work on safety planning.
Maria says that her and Jamie have not had anymore children because she believes that Jamie believes that it is because of Maria history of prostituting. Maria says that her daughter Sofia was born prematurely and has problems speaking, moving and problems with motor skills as well as development. Maria says that she and her partner Jamie used to do drugs. Maria says currently they do not do drugs anymore because it would be a problem with immigration.
Maria says the police were called last night for a domestic disturbance. Maria says when the police came to their residence, the police found drug paraphernalia. Maria says that it wasn't hers nor Jamie drug paraphernalia that the police found. Maria says that they have two other families staying and sharing in their home. Maria says that had to belong to either of the two families living at the same residence. Maria says that she is not sure who called the cops.
Maria says that Jamie and she get very angry at one another. Maria says that they fight many times a week. Maria says that they have tried to separate many times to just get away from each other. Maria says that she doesn't want to be in the same system she was with Jamie when she was in Honduras. Maria says that she must accept everything Jamie says and does.
Maria says Jamie is having many affairs and is hitting women. Maria says she saw Jamie with another woman at the corner store and when Jamie returns home Maria said that she threw a box at him. Maria says that Jamie became angry and threatened her with a knife. Maria says her daughter Sofia saw everything. Maria also said that her daughter Sofia witnessed her and Jamie being put in handcuffs.
How to Respond
The response should include expression of concern.
The response should ask to talk about safety planning (Before, during, and after and event).

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Solution Summary

The solution provides information, assistance and advise in tackling the task on the topic of responding to a victim of domestic abuse and providing support in therapy/counseling. Resources are listed for further exploration of the topic. A word version is also attached.

Solution Preview

Dear Student,
Hi and thank you for using BrainMass. The solution below should get you started. In this particular task, you are asking for help in putting together a response for Maria. I suggest using this simple outline:
1. Response to Maria (direct speech, in a conversation)
2. Advise to Maria, for safety planning (direct speech, in a conversation)
3. Resources
You can also use the listed resources to further explore the topic. All the best with your studies. A word version is also attached.

AE 105878/Xenia Jones
Direct Response in Counselling: Maria
"Maria, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a difficult time. It sounds like you are in an abusive relationship with Jamie, and that you are afraid for your safety ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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