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Emergency Disaster Management Plan Sample

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I will have to do five things with this plan.
1. Identify the plan I want to use and what I want to focus on and why
2. identification of strengths and of the policy
3. identification of the weaknesses
4. my position on the strenthd and weaknesses
5. overall evaluation and my position on this paln or policy.

I need help in finding a good plan to use. Are they secret in nature? it can be an old one. I live in Jersey and would like one that pertains to my state. Can you help me in a good starting point. I just can't find a plan to use, I even called the Office of Emergency Management for my County and they were reluctant to give me one.

Consideration is to given to the developement of a Concept of Operations Plan to be used in the emergency response phase of an emergency or disaster. The purpose of this assignemnt will be to see how I objectively review a policy or plan . I have to at least present a plan now that I will be using and the rest of the info will be presented to my professor.

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Solution Summary

The solution is an extensive 1,165-word paper that provides a sample emergency management plan using the current plan of the University of California in Irvine as basis to mitigate and respond to a particular disaster. Access and links to the original UCI plan is also provided for further research. A word version of the solution is attached for easy printing.

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The UCI plan is available via UCI's own website, it is now a publicly shared document. You can find it here:

For Reference you can use this following the APA format -
EHS, UCI (2009), UCI Eemergency Management Plan, http://www.ehs.uci.edu/em/EmergencyManagementPlan.pdf, datae Accessed day.month.2010.

As long as you follow the expected rules of analysis in your materials, you can do an acceptable review. Good luck!

Dear Student,
Hello. It could be frustrating to get your hands on 'official' disaster management plans of a State, city or town because they are considered extremely sensitive, thus the security. It's difficult to get your hands on one without proper clearance. However, it is easy enough to find 'mock' ones - those that were put together as 'tests' and examples. Also universities, businesses and private entities have their own disaster management plans. Take for example buildings. Most especially after 9-11, buildings are required by law to submit emergency plans in the event of varied forms of disaster. In New York and New Jersey, skyscrapers for example have to comply with a number of rigid rules with concerns from fire, natural disasters, terrorism, hostage taking, etc. Now, being that it is easier to focus on such a smaller concern, I believe it is also going to be of great interest to see how universities - being that they are at times the size of small town and cities with a massive student and staff populace handle an emergency. The Virginia Tech Massacre for example exemplified a kind of emergency that when faced with, a university might have great difficulty to handle. The sample I provided for you below is small and focuses only on this aspect but I have attached an actual University Emergency Management Plan for 2009 by the University of California in Irvine. Bear in mind that while the setting is far from NJ, this emergency plan is similar in structure and concerns to that of NJ universities like Princeton and Monmouth. I think this will be an interesting topic for you for it concerns university and student security making the topic easy enough for you to do your own personal research. Now, we cannot cover all aspects as was suggested in your post - it asks for one concern. So let us focus on a managing 'hostage taking & shooting' with the focus of getting as much of the students and staff as safe as possible - I created this example of a general emergency plan and a review of it for you below. The attached Emergency Management Plan of the University of California in Irvine will provide you a more comprehensive example that covers all grounds should your professor ask you to do something like that for your own ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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