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Logic in Interviews, Listening and Communication Strategies

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Xenia, I need your help with the following:

I need to define and describe the following types of interviews: information-gathering interview; employment interview; and performance appraisal interview.

Then, select one a type of interview and design a list of 15 primary questions and 15 secondary (follow-up) questions for that type of interview.

Finally, compare and contrast the managerial types of listening required by each of the following types of interview:

a. Informative

b. Evaluative

c. Listening to help (Empathic)

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses comprehensively the types of interviews used in management: information-gathering interview; employment interview; and performance appraisal interview. Its provides a set of primary & secondary questions usually used by management to appraise employee performance & ascertain new actions to increase employee morale as well as productivity. Finally, it discusses the ideas behind listening assertively, discussing the merits of employing strategies to ensure that the information recieved is heard clear & concise for an efficient exchange in knowledge communication.

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OTA 105878

Types of Interview

An interview simply is a meeting that is aimed at knowing, observing & calculating information about someone (as in the case of a job interview), something (as in the case of a project proposal to a financing company via a panel interview by the board), or an event (as in the case of a police interview). Most interviews are formal, some though are informal; take for instance the case of a researcher and an informant. What happens in an interview is a form of discourse, a conversation between the interviewer and an interviewee where questions are asked of the interviewee by the interviewer to obtain information, the goal of the interviewee. This information then is weighed, analyzed & tested and influences the decisions that the interviewer must make in relation to the purpose of the interview.

There are many types of interviews grouped accordingly due to their purpose & the nature of the interview. When Job seekers are gathering information for a certain job or a particular employment, many engage information-gathering/informational interview. Bolles (1996) advises that information gathering interview for job seekers are important. In an informational interview, the job seeker requests to speak with people who belong to the industry, the company or the outfit he seeks to join. The job seeker can also use social networks & enquire contacts with inside information on the job/career he wants. If an interview is arranged/granted, the job seeker then has the opportunity to ask questions about important matters he deems necessary for his knowledge & preparation to apply successfully for the job he wants. As in any interview, he must follow protocol, be polite, dress properly, prepare his questions beforehand and follow the necessary interview etiquette in order to make a good impression on the person he interviews who in turn can assist him in securing the employment he wants. This interview is primarily formal.

It is not only job-seekers though that use information-gathering interview. Information gathering is part of the arsenal of social scientists when they gather data on a certain subject matter. Ethnographers for example gather information ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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