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Contemporary Mathematics

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Any help that you could give me on these problems would be greatly appreciated. I am completely lost and the book doesn't seem to help me much.

(See attached file for full problem description with diagrams)


? Identify the document by typing your full name and section number next to the yellow text.
? Rename the file by adding your last name to current file name (e.g., "u1ip_lastname.doc").
? Type your answers next to the yellow text.
o For non-integer answers, please write your answer as a fraction rather than a decimal.
? To show your work, you will need to include
o the algebra used to compute the solution to any equations
o the formula with substituted values.
o the final calculated answer with units.
? To utilize the scientific calculator on your computer, do the following:
o Open the calculator (if it is not in the accessories folder, then select Run from the Start menu)
o Select View from the drop down menu
o Select Scientific to utilize the calculator.
o Note that x^y computes any number to any power (integer, fraction, decimal).

Please submit your assignment.


Given the above graph, identify the graph of the function (line, parabola, hyperbola, or exponential), explain your choice, and give the domain and range as shown in the graph, and also the domain and range of the entire function.

Graph Type:




x -2 -1 0 1 2
y .0625 .25 1 4 16

Given the table above, graph the function, identify the graph of the function (line, parabola, hyperbola, or exponential), explain your choice, and give the domain and range as shown in the graph, and also the domain and range of the entire function.


Graph Type:





Given the graph above, identify the graph of the function (line, parabola, hyperbola, or exponential), explain your choice, and give the domain and range as shown in the graph, and also the domain and range of the entire function.

Graph Type:




d) In most businesses, increasing prices of their product can have a negative effect on the number of customers of the business. A bus company in a small town has an average number of riders of 800 per day. The bus company charges $2.25 for a ride. They conducted a survey of their customers and found that they will lose approximately 40 customers per day for each $.25 increase in fare.

Given the description above, graph the function, identify the graph of the function (line, parabola, hyperbola, or exponential), explain your choice, and give the domain and range as shown in the graph you have drawn, and also the domain and range of the entire function excluding unrealistic values.


Graph Type:




2) For the function,

a) Give the y values for x = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.

Show work in this space.

b) Using these points, draw a curve.
Show graph here.

3) It is approximately 480 miles from Los Angeles, California, to San Francisco, California. Allowing for various traffic conditions, a driver can average approximately 60 miles per hour.
a) Write a linear function that expresses the distance traveled, d, as a function of time, t.

b) How far have you traveled after 4 hours?
Show work in this space.

c) Write a linear function that expresses the distance to be traveled to reach San Francisco, s, as a function of time, t.
Show work in this space.

d) How far will I need to travel to reach San Francisco after I have traveled 3 hours?
Show work in this space.

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