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DNA Identification Technology

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Unit 6 question

I know in recent years advances in DNA identification technology have led to a number of exonerations of convictions that were based on eyewitness identification because DNA identification was not available at that time. And the procedures for eyewitness identifications and lineups have been brought into question.
What I want to know is what are some ways to improve the use of lineups (both photo and live)? I also feel that law enforcement have reached a time where they must have more than eyewitness testimony to convict someone of a crime. Have we reached a time where we must have more than eyewitness testimony to convict someone of a crime?

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The expert examines DNA identification technology.

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Eyewitness accounts are considered the most untrustworthy accounts by law enforcement who are willing to admit it. People who are victims of crime often cannot accurately recount the facial features of their assailant yet police lineups have been used to convict too many suspects. This invariably has led to many innocent people being imprisoned and the notion that 12 guilty defendants should ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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