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Genetics Affecting Biotechnology Process

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1. Define biotechnology and list 3 ways biotechnology has affected human society.
2. Explain the process of gel electrophoresis in detail. Give me a step by step explanation of how this works and what it is used for.
3. Explain the process of DNA fingerprinting (DNA profiling) in detail. Give me a step by step explanation of how this works and what it is used for.

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The genetics affecting biotechnology processes are determined in the solution.

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1. Define biotechnology and list 3 ways biotechnology has affected human society.

Biotechnology is the technology that engages in the manipulation of DNA molecules in the living organisms in the efforts to commercialize them.
One way biotechnology affects the human society is the development of pharmaceuticals such as growth hormone which are produced by the fermentation of transgenic bacteria that have received the corresponding genes. Another way biotechnology affects the human society is the application of gene therapy for some human genetic disorders in which the defective DNA is replaced by the normal DNA sequence. The third way biotechnology affects the human society is the development of diagnostic markers for cancer and other genetic disorders.

2. ...

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