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debriefing report

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Refer to the notes posted here in your file. They will represent the product of your interview of Mr. Castillo.

Your task is to generate a concise debriefing report from the notes posted that includes all the facts provided in the notes. Use the posted format as a guide. Submit the report to the instructor's drop box.

Read the posted notes carefully. Often, interviews cover a great deal of ground and skip back and forth as specific issues are discussed. As a result, many dates and times are not in chronological order.

Remember, the report and the notes must not conflict on any material issues. The report should be written in the third person. Some police departments prefer the first person, federal agencies do not. For example, if you are John Jones, you will be Special Agent Jones for this project and refer to yourself as such. For example, if you are describing the debriefing of Mr. Castillo, you will say, "On September 1, 2004, Hector Castillo was debriefed by Special Agent John Jones at..."

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"On September 1, 2004, Hector Castillo was debriefed by Special Agent John Jones at the Sheriff's Office, Washington Heights, NY. Hector Castillo stated that the coke he was arrested with was given to him by one Pancho Gutierrez-Montoya, a Colombian national. Montoya had placed 50 kilos of cocaine in the trunk of his car. Hector Castillo told Special Agent John Jones that Montoya was currently in Medellin, but would return next month. Hector Castillo was to deliver the cocaine to one Fernando.
The modus operandi was that Montoya would call Hector Castillo on his cell phone (No. 212-555-1234) when a delivery was to be made. One Rudy, Hispanic male, Colombian, ...

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