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Understanding Assimilation in American Culture

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Do you think some groups had an easier time assimilating into American culture than others?
Can any comparisons be drawn to today's immigrants?

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This solution will assist the student in understanding the dynamics of immigrant assimilation in American culture and modern comparisons of immigrations to the past.

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Immigrants and American Culture

Do you think some groups had an easier time assimilating into American culture than others?

In the past, most ethnic groups had difficulties assimilating into American culture since American culture predominantly consisted of the European founders and generations of their families. The Native American culture was not considered to be included in the "American" culture rather the European-adopted culture slowly became a large part of the American culture. In the southern states that were formerly Mexico, the Hispanic population that inhabited those states also were not included as part of the typical "American" culture.

Later when the Irish, Germans, Russians, Italians and other Europeans began in migrate in different waves of immigration, they had the experience of being newcomers. Although they may have visually looked like they could ...

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