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Suggestions for completing chart audits

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Details: A primary care physician and her partner, who have just opened their own practice, newly employ you as a medical assistant.

You have been asked by one of the physicians to research information and recommend a quality control procedure for completing chart audits for the practice. What would you recommend?

You should consider the following to include in your completed material:

Outline a possible procedure to conduct chart audits.
Describe the quality improvement model to be followed.
Research and recommend associations they may want to be affiliated with to keep informed on healthcare quality standards.

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Solution Summary

The following solution contains suggestions and possible procedures for completeing chart audits for a medical practice.

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Possible steps for conducting a chart audit for a medical practice:
1. Selecting a topic is normally the first part of the process expect in externally mandated topics such as completing chart audits. For externally mandated topics the point is to first focus on what exactly needs to be done: Define and verify the process which needs to be implemented. In this instance the focus is on effectively completing chart audits
2. Identify measures: Criteria for measuring outcomes needs to be outlined precisely and specific guidelines need to be implemented. When starting from scratch a pilot audit is recommended.
3. Identify patient population: Who is this practice serving? What are their characteristics? These can include factors such as age, gender, disease status, treatment status and overall condition.
4. Determine sample size: One way to do this is through descriptive strategies where statistical inferences are made about patient populations . This includes percentages and ...

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