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Nursing Theories and the Concept of Religion

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Religion is a core concept common to two or three nursing theories. Find two or three of these theories and discuss the concept (religion) in depth based on the theorists' views.

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This solution discusses three nursing theories, including an in depth discussion of each of the theorist's view on the concept of religion. Supplemented with a highly informative article on the relationship amongst nursing, religion and empowerment.

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Interesting topic! Let's look at Watson, Roger and Roy's views on religion. I attached one supporting article.


1. Religion is a core concept common to two or three nursing theories. Find two or three of these theories and discuss the concept (religion) in depth based on the theorists' views.

Nurses have realized that treating patients based upon their disease rather than making a holistic assessment is not a satisfactory way of attending patient care. Instead, the social, psychological, emotional, and spiritual components of human beings need to be addressed. However, religion is often discussed in terms of spiritual and social wellness. Religion is one means to spiritual wellness and wholeness.

Let's look at two theories by Watson, Roger and Roy.

(1) Watson

The theory of Watson is seen to have some key components of Eastern Religion. She viewed the spirit/soul higher than the other dimensions of personhood; that is, physical, mental and emotional. The system is essentially monistic. The goal of humanity is self-deification, a process that involves awareness of one's true spiritual nature. Various Eastern religious/spiritual technologies are recommended as ways to this self-awareness, which may be enhanced by higher states of consciousness. Health is a restoration of harmony and balance to the system of the person (Source: http://www.myatts.net/papers/nurses.pdf).

According to Watson, human beings are said to be spiritual in nature and to be basically good (Watson,1985:45,47, as cited in http://www.myatts.net/papers/nurses.pdf)). The soul is eternal and is on an infinite, unknown journey through space and time. It provides access to a higher degree of consciousness by means of which one's self may be transcended. "The soul, then, exists for something larger, greater and more powerful than physical life as we know it..." (Watson, 1985:46, as cited in http://www.myatts.net/papers/nurses.pdf).

The problem with humankind is that most of us think we are merely material, physical beings. We are unaware of our true nature (Watson, 1985:46, as cited in http://www.myatts.net/papers/nurses.pdf)). This lack of awareness may create disharmony between the mind, body and soul or between the person and the world. Such incongruence may lead to anxiety, despair, illness and disease (Watson, 1985:56). "Illness is subjective turmoil or disharmony within a person's inner self or soul ... or disharmony in the mind, body, and soul..." (Watson, 1985:48, as cited in http://www.myatts.net/papers/nurses.pdf).

From this perspective, then, nursing seeks to promote a high degree of harmony within the person, leading to self-knowledge and healing. Greater awareness of oneself as a spiritual being helps solve the predicament of humankind and "... opens up infinite possibilities." (Watson, 1985:46, as cited in http://www.myatts.net/papers/nurses.pdf)). The goal of human life is to move in the direction of self-deification although this is not stated in quite so strong terms. "The person has one basic ...

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