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If someone presents him or herself as a nutrition expert, how would you evaluate his or her credentials and the information he or she provides?

How would you respond to nutrition information provided by a lay person (family member, friend, colleague, fellow student) that you know is debatable or false?

What sources do you use to research nutritional or dietary information?

How have you determined those sources to be credible?

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If someone presents him or herself as a nutrition expert, how would you evaluate his or her credentials and the information he or she provides?

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First, I would check the individual's educational background. This would include include his credentials both from school and from national and state licensing boards. I would also check his membership in organizations that are the expers when it comes to nutrition and health. Finally, I would check his experience as far as where he has worked and his past clients. All of these coupled together should give me a good idea of the legitimacy of the individual and his ability to give me expert advice.

If a lay person gave me ...

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