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Spiritual needs in elderly

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For the cognitively impaired (geriatric population) what interventions can be used
to meet their spiritual needs in the following areas:

- Hope
- Trust
- Courage
- Faith
- Peace
- Love

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For the cognitively impaired (geriatric population) what interventions to meet their spiritual needs in the following areas:

- Hope
- Trust
- Courage
- Faith
- Peace
- Love

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There are many resources out there for geriatric populations to provide help in this area. Hospice care and caregiving websites, especially, focus on many of these aspects.
Seeking help from loved ones and a professional is the first step to healing. Confide in trust-worthy family and/or friends for social support.
Anticipating that there will be ups and downs, and maintaining patience, compassion and a sense of humor will help you cope more effectively with difficult behavior. It's important to remember that it's the disease, not the person, causing the behavior.

Helpful suggestions for managing the cognitively impaired and demonstrate peace and love include communication techniques, such as keeping language simple and asking one question at a time. Break down tasks and questions. For example, instead of asking, "would you like to come in and sit down and have ...

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