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Relationship between stakeholders and consumers in health care

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How does the relationship between stakeholders and consumers drive changes in health care?

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The stakeholder roles and responsibilities in quality and risk management are discussed. References are also provided to further validate the findings.

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The stakeholder roles and responsibilities in quality and risk management are dire in the need to perform at a perfect standard. Healthcare deals with the lives of people and there is no room for error. Each system within the organization has a stakeholder in the evolution of patient care. No one is exempt from providing the best care for the primary stakeholder.

Quality is embedded into every area of the organization. Even when we think it does not affect the patient, it ultimately will have an effect. One of the areas that have had an extensive importance on patient care is health information. At one time, the little known area was paper and pen in a basement with an employee filing folders. Now, health information is an extensive informatics system. Informatics is a challenge for any organization now that privacy is at risk. This can be a risk management nightmare for the Medical Records System. Patients are unaware of the layers of information that are vulnerable at any moment that a computer system is left unattended (Goodall, Ward & Newman, 2010, ...

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