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Coordinating the system's quality and safety goals

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Please help with the following problem regarding potential problems in research methods.

How might inaccurate data captured during the inpatient encounter result in harm to the patient? How can such errors be minimized?

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This solution discusses how to coordinate a system's quality and safety goals with the goals of the individuals and consumers. It discusses cultural bias, standardized testing, misinterpretation of data, and gatekeeping of records. The points discussed include inaccurate data, cultural bias, standardized testing, assessments, misinterpretation and proper gatekeeping of records. The explanation is given in 197 words

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Questions: How might inaccurate data captured during the inpatient encounter result in harm to the patient? How can such errors be minimized?

Inaccurate data can be harmful because insufficient reliability and validity, resulting in an inaccurate assessment of the client. Be sure to choose assessment tests that are standardized and reliable. ...

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