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Childhood obesity article review

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Locate and editorial in a newpaper, magazine, or journal on childhood obseity. an editorial is an article which exresses and opinon or viewpoint on the subject.

Summary paragraph: Identify the author and title of the article in one sentence. In your own words, state the authorâ??s opinion (main point) on the issue. Explain how the writer defines or explains the issue in support of his or her main point.

Critique: Compare and contrast your opinion on the issue with the authorâ??s position. Support your ideas with analysis, reasons, and evidence. An effective way to do this is to cite evidence which supports your reasoning. Use in-text citations to document paraphrased and quoted passages from source(s)

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Web-based and cited article on childhood obesity, its impacts upon health, and a sample article review, with suggestions for approaching the assignment.

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First, locate your article to review. There are many such articles available on the Web, including this one cited here. The following article from the New York Times is copied and pasted here for you to see. It is found at Web URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/11/health/11fat.html.
Child Obesity Risks Death at Early Age, Study Finds

Published: February 10, 2010
A rare study that tracked thousands of children through adulthood found the heaviest youngsters were more than twice as likely as the thinnest to die prematurely, before age 55, of illness or a self-inflicted injury.
Youngsters with a condition called pre-diabetes were at almost double the risk of dying before 55, and those with high blood pressure were at some increased risk. But obesity was the factor most closely associated with an early death, researchers said.
The study, published Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine, analyzed data gathered from Pima and Tohono O'odham Indians, whose rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes soared decades before weight problems became widespread among other Americans. It is one of the largest studies to have tracked children for several decades after detailed information on weight and risk factors like high cholesterol were gathered.
"This suggests," said Helen C. Looker, senior author of the paper and assistant professor of medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, "that obesity in children, even prepubescent children, may have very serious long-term health effects through midlife - that there is something serious being set in motion by obesity at early ages." Dr. Looker added, "We all expect to get beyond 55 these days."
Nearly one in three American children is now considered to be either overweight or obese, and this week, the first lady, Michelle Obama, kicked off a campaign intended to end childhood obesity.
The new study analyzed data gathered about 4,857 nondiabetic American Indian children born between 1945 and 1984, when the children were 11 years old on average, and assessed the extent to which body mass index, glucose tolerance, blood pressure and total cholesterol levels predicted premature death.
By 2003, 559 participants had died, including 166 who died of causes other than ...

Solution provided by:
  • BFA, University of Georgia
  • BSEd, University of Georgia
  • MED, University of Georgia
  • EDd (IP), Northcentral University
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