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Student Led Religious Groups in Public Schools

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Do all student-led religious groups have an absolute right to meet at K-12 schools? If not, discuss one limitation under the Equal Access Act. May a teacher be a sponsor of the club? Can the teacher participate in its activities? Why or why not? Support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

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An expert answers questions about student-led religious groups having an absolute right to meet at K-12 schools, limitation under the Equal Access Act, teachers sponsoring, participating or acting as custodians for such groups? Support to questions' answers are provided.

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Do all student-led religious groups have an absolute right to meet at K-12 schools?
While the right is not absolute, according to the Equal Access Act, as long as there is at least one other non-curriculum related group meeting this group may meet. This is, as long as it does not ...

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