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Self-Select Groupings

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How do participants of self-selecting groupings influence adult learning situations?

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This solution discusses how participants of self-selecting groupings influence adult learning situations. It discusses the differences in group selection between younger students and adult students, such as adult's tendency to selected based on successful and contributing members and work ethic. Another point raised is that adults learners feel less intimidated to speak out or to hold other members accountable. The explanation is given in 352 words.

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Adult students self-select their groupings quite differently than younger students do. First, they tend to self-select groups in which they will be successful and contributing members as opposed to those in which their social needs will be met. Additionally, they tend to select groups in which the membership represents the finest (in their opinion) that the class population has to offer. In other words, adults decide on whom to work with based on the success they imagine themselves and the group to have. As this is the ...

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