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neutrality on behalf of the counselor

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Discuss three values that are important to you as a person. As a counselor, what will you do when these values are challenged? Is it reasonable to expect value neutrality on behalf of the counselor? From your perspective, compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of a "value neutrality" versus "value sharing" approach. Include all references.

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This solution presents an informal, brief discussion on the issue of neutrality on behalf of the counselor.

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As you discuss three values that are important to you as a person, I personally cherish honesty, tolerance, and compassion are core to my beliefs.

As you brainstorm what will you do when these values are challenged during counseling, remaining calm is vital. It is also important to separate a client's problems and behaviors from the person. When we judge a client because of something negative he or she expresses, we need to know the context and the "big picture." If a client is expresses racist views and we automatically take offense without learning the client's family history with a father who was a former KKK member, it is impossible for us to foster a professional, fair, and harmonious ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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