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The Constructivism Theory and Actual Learning

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How can one make the connection between cognitive constructivism learning theory and the actual practice of learning or instruction? What is the relationship between this theory and one's teaching philosophy?

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The constructivism theory is explained, described, including its strategies, methods, approaches, concepts and
the philosophy of its teachings. 766 words with 4 references.

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The Constructivist Theory
According to an article by Forrester & Jantzie, "Constructivists believe that all humans have the ability to construct knowledge in their own minds through a process of discovery and problem-solving. The extent to which this process can take place naturally, without structure and teaching is the defining factor amongst those who advocate this learning theory."

The role of learners in constructivism theory is to be active learners engaged in constructing new ideas based on their experiences, knowledge, and interactions. Educators are expected to focus on establishing connections between facts and new understanding or realizations.

The constructivist learning environment is composed of sharing of knowledge and ideas among teachers and students. There is also a sharing of authority and responsibility as the teacher becomes a moderator and does not give all the information but gives the responsibility for the students to discover it themselves. He or she guides and shows them on how to reflect and tap their evolving knowledge and ideas and at the same time, provide them the direction they need to complete their tasks. The students are grouped heterogeneously and in smaller quantity. If the students are performing well, ...

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