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Cultural Sensitivity Presentation Ideas

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Design a series of three activities for parents and students at your school that honor and respect cultural diversity. Your plan should include the following:

a. Explain the purpose for each activity
b. Describe the target group you are addressing
c. Explain the activities
d. Describe the materials/resources needed to execute each activity
Requirements for this assignment include:
•A demonstration of prior knowledge; the student should be able to build from previous discussion board topics or assignments to help frame this assignment.
•Original problem-solving skills will be presented via research.
•APA guidelines will be applied, and standard grammar will be observed.
•The page length will range from four to six pages.
•At least three outside scholarly sources are needed for this paper.

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Ideas for cultural diversity and program planning is discussed.

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I noticed that nobody selected this post and the reason is likely you have at least four issues noted here, where each could likely take about 15 minutes each. With your one bid, I'm happy to stage a few areas here to help get you started, where I am sure you are not expecting the assignment to be completed by the expert.

First, it would be desirable to select a culture to feature, one that is interesting or appealing to you. If you are in a culturally diverse area then choosing a population that is in your region would be a sensible choice, as well.

Since I do not know where you are I will choose Native Americans, which is (b) noted in the posted question. Here is a piece that was developed by the military, which has some good tribal ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Central Michigan University
  • MSA, Central Michigan University
  • Teacher Certification, Concordia University
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