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* What should be the role of designer brands as part of the

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* What should be the role of designer brands as part of the fashion merchandise selection process for an upscale women's clothing specialty store chain?

* Explain the role of designer brands in category management.

* Why do designer brand owners so aggressively fight knockoffs, even though many consumers know they are less costly copies?

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* What should be the role of designer brands as part of the fashion merchandise selection process for an upscale women's clothing specialty store chain?

* Explain the role of designer brands in category management.

* Why do designer brand owners so aggressively fight knockoffs, even though many consumers know they are less costly copies?

Solution Preview

* What should be the role of designer brands as part of the fashion merchandise selection process for an upscale women's clothing specialty store chain?

Because it's an upscale specialty store chain, the number of designer brands would outweigh the number of non-designer brands. Presumably, the store's customers have more money to work with when shopping, because it is an upscale chain, and not a super center chain (like Kmart or Walmart). With that in mind, management will buy more designer brands as part of the merchandise selection process. Management should evaluate, based on their sales, the average price that consumers pay in the store for their clothes. ...

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