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Direct face-to-face communication

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Question 1

Direct face-to-face communication with existing and potential customers to promote a company's products is called______________
personal selling.
sales promotion.
public relations.

Question 2

The distribution channel in which independent companies buy the rights to distribute, sell, and service a company's products within a defined geographic area is called:
company owned or licensed distributors.
the Internet.
licensed distributors or dealers.
independent wholesalers.
direct distribution.

Question 3

The major impact of the proliferation of communication channels on marketing is:
the Big Three TV networks have grown much more powerful in recent years.
it is much easier to reach large groups of people because more people are using all kinds of communication devices.
it is much cheaper to reach large groups of people due to competition among communication channels.
it is much more difficult to reach and relate to large groups of people because everyone has many communication options today.
the increase in communication options has resulted in more product options in all product categories.

Question 4

The practice of conveying messages to the public through the media to influence people's opinions about the company and its products is called______________
personal selling.
sales promotion.
public relations.

Question 5

The development and use of methods and practices to inform people about the value of a company's products and to directly persuade people to buy these products because they can satisfy their needs better than competing products is called:
customer relationship management.
product development.
market research.

Question 6

Dell makes computers, then sells them directly to final customers. This is an example of the distribution channel known as:
using brokers.
exclusive dealerships.
manufacturer's agent.
direct distribution.

Question 7

Although I found a pair of running shoes at Walmart for 25% less than the cost of running shoes at a specialty sporting goods store, I bought the much more expensive shoes because I believe they will better meet my needs. This is an example of:
relative value.
absolute value.
reverse engineering.
target pricing.

Question 8

Companies that sell the products of other companies to final customers via an on-line storefront are called______________
virtual retailers.

Question 9

All of the following are principal tasks in trade selling EXCEPT:
educating the customer.
agreeing on a price.
setting a delivery date.
setting up seller financing.
establishing quality standards.

Question 10

A company identifies eleven different market segments in the MP3 market. Rather than selecting a single segment, it decides to develop a marketing mix that will appeal to four different segments. This is an example of:
appealing to the mass market.
multiple segment marketing.
market differentiation.
public relating.

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Response discusses the Direct face-to-face communication

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Direct face-to-face communication with existing and potential customers to promote a company's products is called______________

personal selling.

It involves personal interaction

Question 2

The distribution channel in which independent companies buy the rights to distribute, sell, and service a company's products within a defined geographic area is called:

licensed distributors or dealers.

Question 3

The major impact of the proliferation of communication channels on marketing is:

it is much easier to reach large groups of people because more people are using all kinds of communication devices. ...

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