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Hewlett Packard Organizational Structure

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Write a paper that proposes a model of organizational culture, structure, processes, and controls to best foster a disciplined, bottom-line-focused organization with the balance to assure innovation and discovery. The paper should propose a model and defend why it is believed to be an effective approach to the balance between discipline and innovation.

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The solution discusses the Organizational Structure of Hewlett Packard

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I am the original author of the attached document, which is over 1,400 words.

The attached will assist you with your studies in regard to the problem setforth. To make the paper more intense, I chose to use Hewlett Packard as my example. This company's model of organizational culture should be used by all companies. The model discusses:

Organizational culture, structure, processes, controls to best foster a disciplined bottom line focues organiaztionn with the balance to assure innovation and discovery.

Hewlett Packard has stood the test of time as an American company not afraid to venture into uncharted waters.

Organizational Culture: Hewlett Packard

The research provided in the paper will discuss Hewlett Packard's Organizational Structure through its Mission, Objectives and Vision. The structure process of the company's processes and controls will be fostered through a disciplined SWOT Analysis that will assist the company in focusing on the bottom line and to expand through innovation and discovery. The paper will conclude with a discussion highlighting the balance between discipline and innovation.

Impressive Organizational Structure through Humble Beginnings

The company was founded in 1939 by Mr. Bill Hewlett and Mr. Dave Packard. Both gentlemen were classmates at Stanford University. Mr. Packard was the company's president and Mr. Hewlett was the Vice-President. 70 years later, when Hewlett-Packard merged with Compaq computers, the company became the largest computer hardware company in the world.
The organizational culture, structure, process and controls of the company are very impressive. The timeline is as follows: founded in 1939; company is incorporated in 1947; stock options offered to employees 1950, this is a rare occurrence for the time; Hewlett Packard invents a high speed frequency counter, this invention is revolutionary, as the counters assist banks and business worldwide 1951; company is traded on the stock market 1957; company purchases F.L. Moseley Company 1958; company expands globally 1959, the rest is history.

The company through the years has been innovative in implementation of the discovery of new products, expansion and market share. Today, the majority of all businesses, whether corporate or home offices, have some sort of Hewlett Packard device in their place of business or home office. This is because the company has a proven track record of success and a proven bottom- line-focused track record of quality. The company sells laptop computers and extensive Information Technologies software for large business operations. The company stands behind their products and the dedication of the product the company is also dedicated to the environment, as they offer product return and recycling through the HP

Environmental Division.

Even through today's tough stock markets, Hewlett Packard's stock has remained stable in the $30 range over a 12 month period. (NYSE 2008)

Structure Process and Controls through SWOT Analysis - Strengths

The strengths of Hewlett Packard are significant. The company merged with Compaq and Hewlett Packard is now the leader and largest computer hardware corporation in the world. The company currently does business in over 170 countries. Not all countries are fully developed nations. The company is so secure in their way of doing business; they have ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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