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Target-Market Strategy: Create a new product that will serve

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Create a new product that will serve two organizational businesses.

Target-Marketing Strategy Assignment

1. Create a new product that will serve 2 organizational businesses
2. Must include description of product
3. Product could be global or national
4. Explain strategy for entering the markets
5. Analyze potential barriers one may encounter
6. Explain a plan to ensure the product will be successful given the market strategy.

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Create a new product that will serve 2 organizational businesses

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A lightweight cot/chair. A canvas/nylon chair that could fold out to be used as a bed as well. This is something that the military could use, especially if it were very compact/light. I would recommend a carbon fiber frame for strength and to reduce weight. It should be collapsible and fold away to a small unit. This could be marketed to the military, and while the military isn't a business, it certainly is an organization. It could also be marketed to a company like Cabella's as a camping/hunting accessory.

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