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Success of Verizon's Commercials

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Questions to answer as you analyze the commercial:

1. Who is the target audience?
2. What are they selling?
3. What is the "call to action" in the commercial?
4. Would this ad be just as effective if it was on radio as well?
5. Where/how would you place this ad if you were the Advertising Director for the company?
6. Has the competition tried this type of commercial in the past and was it successful?

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Solution Summary

This solution is a simple market analysis of Verizon commercials. The attached file in doc file contains data on sales of Verizon's competitors. Additionally, this solution provides a link to a similar add produced by AT&T.

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Questions to answer as you analyze the commercial:

1. Who is the target audience?
Primarily, kids are the target audience. Generally, the target audience is those in the teen and adult age also.

2. What are they selling?
Basically, it's telephone equipment and service that are being sold. For Susie, she's selling lemonade with ...

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