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Relationship to a Strategic Business Plan

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Can you read the article, and tell me how this could relate to anyone (other than Ford) trying to formulate a strategic business plan. Consider a telecommunications software company for that matter.


P.S. Please provide appropriate references for statements and/or quotations next to the statements and/or quotations itself.

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A strategic business plan for a telecommunications software company is provided. References are given.

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Let us take a corporation know as Tech Mahindra which is one of the largest telecom software companies of India.


Earlier it was a small organization promoted by Mahindra and now its more than a $100mn company. It has applied the reengineering principles consistently to grow its market share. In the article also there is a discussion of the failure of Ford Taurus and the corrective steps taken to revitalize. One should do reengineering for excellence:

Wikipedia says, "Reengineering (or re-engineering) is the radical redesign of an organization's processes, especially its business processes. Rather than organizing a firm into functional specialties (like production, accounting, marketing, etc.) and looking at the tasks that each function performs, we should, according to the reengineering theory, be looking at complete processes from materials acquisition, to production, to marketing and distribution. The firm should be re-engineered into a series of processes."

The participants ...

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