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Quality management system based on the Malcolm Baldridge

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This solution examines how a quality management system based on the Baldridge criteria yielded were used to guide the U.S Postal Service in a changing market environment. In 1993 under the leadership of Marvin Runyon, the US Postal Service embarked on establishing quality measurement principles based on the Baldridge criteria that would ultimately known as the cycle. This entailed a simplified quality assessment program designed to gauge three voices: the customer, the business, and the employee. Each voice had certain metrics associated with it that allowed management to measure the effectiveness of the quality management program.

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This solution examines how the US Postal Service implemented a quality management program based on Malcolm Baldridge's quality systems. The program developed a quality assessment program based on it's three main stakeholders, the customer, the business, and the employees. Stakeholder satisfaction was based on key metrics specifically designed for each stakholder.

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Quality Management is a part of business operations and project management that allows leaders and project managers to gauge the effectiveness of processes and business operations. Each organization has to decide on metrics that are key indicators of success. The U.S. Postal Service is an example of an organization that used quality management to gain control of its operations.
In 1993, under the leadership of Marvin Runyon, the United States Postal Service embarked on establishing quality measurement principles based on the Baldrige criteria. The program was initially known as CustomerPerfect!, now it is simply known as the management cycle. The quality assessment program had three areas of emphasis known as "voices". The Voice of the Customer, The Voice of the Employee, and the Voice of the Business. These voices represent the multiple stakeholders. This was the start of a balanced scorecard approach and was a major emphasis in the U.S. Postal Service's when they began to develop their quality procedure. The "Voice of the Customer" focused ...

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