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Project Manager Job Listing

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As the general manager of a large contracting firm, it is your responsibility to hire employees who will positively contribute to the organization. Recently, your project manager of the past 20 years, who has been both reputable and trustworthy, retired from the position. As such, you need to hire a project manager who can immediately contribute to the organization and would be able to fulfill the role right away with minimal training.It should be as thorough as possible
You are to create a job posting for the position of project manager at your company to which, hypothetically, people would apply. This posting should contain the following areas:
1. Job description
2. Responsibilities of the position
3. Necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities
4. General qualifications
5. Education and/or experience

If any material is used verbatim from a website, it should be appropriately cited using APA style writing.

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The basics of how to write a job description for a construction project manager position.

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Dear Student:

Here is the response to your question:

As the general manager of a large contracting firm, it is your responsibility to hire employees who will positively contribute to the organization. Recently, your project manager of the past 20 years, who has been both reputable and trustworthy, retired from the position. As such, you need to hire a project manager who can immediately contribute to the organization and would be able to fulfill the role right away with minimal training. It should be as thorough as possible
You are to create a job posting for the position of project manager at your company to which, hypothetically, people would apply. This posting should contain the following areas:
1. Job description
2. Responsibilities of the position
3. Necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities
4. General qualifications
5. Education and/or ...

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