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Kinky copies may buy a high-volume copier. The machine costs $100,000 and will be depreciated straight-line over 5 years to a salvage value of $20,000. Kinky anticipates that the machine actually can be sold in 5 years for $30,000. The machine will save $20,000 a year in labor costs but will require an increase in working capital, mainly paper supplies of $10,000. The firm's marginal tax rate is 35 percent and the discount rate is 8 percent. Should Kinky buy the machine?

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The initial investment is $100,000 for the copier plus $10,000 in working capital, for a total outlay of $110,000.

Depreciation expense = ($100,000 - $20,000)/5 = $16,000 per year

The project saves $20,000 in annual labor costs, so the net operating cash flow (including ...

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