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Organizational behavior

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In organizational assessments, one of the primary complaints voiced by employees is lack of communication by management. At the same time, managers are frustrated because they usually believe that they communicate with the workforce continuously. What creates this difference in perception? How might it be overcome?

Why do rumors and the communication grapevine thrive in most workplaces?

Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of oral versus written communications.

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Solution Summary

The solution discusses the following:

In organizational assessments, one of the primary complaints voiced by employees is lack of communication by management. At the same time, managers are frustrated because they usually believe that they communicate with the workforce continuously. What creates this difference in perception? How might it be overcome?

Why do rumors and the communication grapevine thrive in most workplaces?

Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of oral versus written communications.

Solution Preview

I am the original author of the following.

What creates this difference in perception?

The difference in perception is as follows:

To keep the workplace moving in a productive manner, there are many pieces of information that management does not share with the employees until the time is right or at all. It would not be productive if management and upper management advised the employees of the outcome of every meeting. If an acquisition was in the process of becoming a reality, until the papers are signed, management will not share the information with the employees due to the fact that a leak of this information could cause a cease in production, a walkout by employees (this could happen if the employees knew in advance they were going to lose their jobs) or destruction of property.

While employees are striving to receive constant information, management is in a position where they must keep information quiet to protect the company. Management shares information with the employees when it is possible and feasible.

So to answer your ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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