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Gatorade's target market

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Below are some marketing questions. Please answer these based on your knowledge.

1. What are your thoughts about the following.

World Cup Marketing Notes: Kia, Nissan Use England Loss In Ads

BRAND CHANNEL's Barry Silverstein reported Kia and Nissan are using England's loss to Germany in the World Cup on Sunday in new advertisements. Kia took out an ad in yesterday's London Times that read, "Oh well, at least our warranty beats the Germans." Nissan pitched its GT-R model with an ad in yesterday's London Sun with the headline, "One match the Germans didn't win." A Kia spokesperson claims that the automaker was "ready, whether England won or lost." If England had beaten Germany, Kia's ad would have read, "Our warranty beats the Germans too" (BRANDCHANNEL.com, 6/28).

2. Who is Gatorade's target market; BASED on THIS commercial? Do you think this commercial contracts or expands their target market? Finally, what are your thoughts, AS AN ADVERTISER?

3. What is digital advertising and/or digital media (in your own words; examples are great)?

4. What do you think Nike is trying to accomplish through this campaign?

Screens Of Ronaldo, Robinho Featured

On 30-Story Building In Johannesburg
LARGER THAN LIFE: The GUARDIAN's Mark Sweney reports Nike "just unveiled a campaign on Africa's largest digital advertising screen on a 30-story building in Johannesburg, which displays messages sent by fans via Facebook and Twitter that will appear alongside digital images of football stars signed to the brand." All of the messages, "which appear on a digital screen 44 metres by 42 metres, are pre-vetted by Nike to make sure the content is acceptable." Two other sides of the building "feature 90 metre tall images" of Portugal MF Cristiano Ronaldo and Brazil F Robinho that "combined are big enough to cover an area the size of an entire football pitch." Fans can send a message to "any one of 50 Nike-sponsored athletes with 100 chosen each night to appear" (GUARDIAN, 6/22).

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Gatorade's target market is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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Below are some marketing questions. Please answer these based on your knowledge.

1. What are your thoughts about the following.

World Cup Marketing Notes: Kia, Nissan Use England Loss In Ads

This is a form of opportunistic advertising. This form of advertising takes quick advantage of events. There is a high involvement of football lovers and the UK public in general with the results of the England v. Germany match. The purpose of both Kia and Nissan was to capitalize on the high involvement of the public with the match. People are talking about the match and are listening to comments about the match. At this moment both Kia and Nissan make comments that are designed to appeal to the peoples' emotions.

Consider this, even though Germany beat us in the crucial match, we (our warranty) beats that of the Germans. This statement appeals to sentiments of the English. They are nursing their wounds after the match and want to feel good, the advertisement by Kia satisfies their need.

Consider the ad by Nissan. The boast is that "One match the Germans didn't win". The Nissan GT-R model beat the German model.

Both these advertisements are basically emotional appeals to the target audience. In this case the emotional appeal is to the English people in general.

BRAND CHANNEL's Barry Silverstein reported Kia and Nissan are using England's loss to Germany in the World Cup on Sunday in new advertisements. Kia took out an ad in yesterday's London Times that read, "Oh well, at least our warranty beats the Germans." ...

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