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Branson & Virgin, Carolyn Bivens, Women on Board Case Study

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This detailed solution looks at several case studies including 'Women on Board' 'Carolyn Bivens' and 'Branson & Virgin' and answers chapter end questions regarding behavioral models and management styles.

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Women on the board:
1. Power and political behaviors sift out in any group. Being the "odd man out" or in this case, a woman or person of color makes one feel isolated, unsure of one's self and unheard. One lacks power and any political clout, and often appears to be there just to satisfy shareholders. In some cases the outsider may not even be wanted but is determined to be a needed evil. In order to be heard and gain power it is important to be forthright and ask questions, as suggested by one of the women in the exercise. Gaining power is done by gaining respect. When more than one woman is on the board it is an easier path since there is more initial common ground. Using the different perspective to one's advantage is key to becoming more successful, powerful, and having more political strength.

2. Personalities traits suggested in the story include women being more humanizing, less hierarchical, more positive and personal, more willing to give praise, and more conversational. In addition, it appears women have the ability to be professional, and have leadership abilities. Furthermore, women are willing to take these positions and play the role of the outsider. This is an important part of personality that shows strength and commitment.

3. The male members reflect Theory Y propositions. They were willing to let women on the board, and learned that in the right conditions the women could succeed in the situation. This is further evident by several boards noted for having more than one woman, and in some cases multiple women being heads of various committees. Men are willing to allow and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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