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technical architecture document for frequent shopper program

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I need some help with ideas/information for the following problem:

For the items specified in the technical architecture document developed for the Frequent Shopper Program, write a 4-6 page paper describing the following:

Quality assurance process and procedures to ensure the functionality and performance requirements are met
Testing procedures to ensure the application is operational at all levels (program, network, systems, and interfaces)
Implementation steps and procedures necessary to achieve operational status

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? Quality assurance process and procedures to ensure the functionality and performance requirements are met

o There are several fundamental criteria for quality assurance that include:

Ensuring that all pertinent information and instructions for the product or service is identified and understood by both internal and external environments. Staff members will need to know the process that makes the product fully operational.

Quality support documentation. Developers must maintain a checklist of what services within the product should be improved upon and what services within the product should remain the same.

Product integration orientation. New products and services should be maintained by individuals who are qualified professionals. Individuals who are not qualified may be required to take skills aptitude tests pertaining to a specific specialized area of production.

Preventative corrective action-product implementation may require adhering to state and federal regulations to ensure fair practices internally and externally. In addition to legal regulations, the organization may also want to facilitate safeguards that will protect users of the product or services from fraud. For example, a new software will require a heightened level of security to prevent fraudulent activity.

The 3D's (Document, Detail, Debug)-It is imperative that developers document new developments in product integration, that may include consumer reaction to the product, problems with the product, etc. Developers will need to pay attention to detail, to determine how the product will benefit consumers, and to establish differentiation from the consumers to ensure authenticity. After documenting and detailing the intricacies of the product, the organization will be required to debug the system, i.e. work out unnecessary glitches to improve upon the products performance in an effort to raise the standard for the competition.

b When developing products or implementing a new program, manufacturers and/or developers must ensure ...

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