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Relevance of unions in the Organization

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Define unions and labor relations and their effect on organizations.

Examine the effect of changes in employee relations strategies, policies, and practices on organizational performance.

What unions are relevant in the United States? Identify two major unions and what industries do they represent and the impact it would cause if they went on strike.

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This solution define unions and labor relations and how they impact organizations. The relevance of unions to the U.S. was also looked into.

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Define unions and labor relations and their effect on organizations.

A union is an organization of workers who act together to secure benefits and rights in the workplace. Unionism is an important tool for worker's rights, and many trade unions are open to membership all over the world. Members of a union may range from machinists in auto-repair shops to in home care providers who belong to a service-workers union. Not all workers are unionized, but many are, especially when they work for large companies. Many unions are also quite powerful, since they represent thousands of employees, and unions have traditionally played a role in politics as well, by endorsing union-friendly candidates.

WiseGeek. "What is a Union", Retrieved April 12, 2100 from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-union.htm.

A union is workers joining together to pursue policies and goals beneficial to one and all. Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, a union is you and your fellow workers, acting in concert to better your everyday working conditions.
International Union of Operating Engineers. "What is a Union?". Retrieved April 12, 2100 from http://www.iuoe.org/WhyJoinIUOE/WhatisaUnion/tabid/89/Default.aspx

Labor relations and labor-management relations are terms used to define the business activities between labor unions and employers. Large organizations employ labor relations or employee relations specialists who operate as a liaison between labor and management. In smaller organizations, an attorney or a human resources manager knowledgeable about labor and employment law handles labor relations matters. Labor relations activities include contract negotiations, employee grievances, arbitration and mediation, and business matters such as check-off responsibilities. Check-off refers to collecting labor union dues through payroll deduction.

The impact that labor unions and labor-management relations have on organizations differs according to the type of relationship that exists between union representatives and organizational management. In organizations that employ trades people and skilled laborers, the relationship between labor and management is often amicable because employers have been conditioned to expect union representation within the trades. In other organizations, the relationship between management and labor is strained, particularly during contract negotiations when neither party wants to make concessions. Likewise, the relationships between union employees and their employers largely depend on the ability of union and management to work together.

E-how Money. Retrieved April 12, 2100 from http://www.ehow.com/info_7838993_define-labor-relations-impact-organizations.html.

Examine the effect of changes in employee relations strategies, policies, and practices on organizational performance.

Below is a list of some of the key changes observed in organizational strategies over the past three years:
? Heightened sensitivity to age differences in terms of recruiting, employee development, and employee relations policies
? More flexibility in work structure and policies such as dress code, telecommuting, flexible hours
? Tailored rewards and recognition, especially in consideration of differences across generations
? Increased front-line supervisory training and development
We believe that changing workforce demographics have driven the need for organizational change across the U.S. More women are coming into, and staying in, the workforce. Women now comprise about 49% of the total workforce in our country. We now have five generations in the workforce, with medical technology allowing older workers to be healthy enough to stay well past the historical age 65 should they choose to do so. These generations are very different with regard to their motivations and interests. Cultural diversity is also growing in organizations across the country because technology has made is all global. In short, employee relations policies and strategies have had to evolve to take these demographic changes into account.
Results we've observed in our client organizations include enhanced recruiting capability in a highly competitive environment; retention of high-performing employees; and increased and sustained profitability driven by engaged, highly motivated workers.

We've found that companies are becoming very creative when it comes to offering rewards and recognition targeted at retaining their best and brightest employees. Concierge services such as dry cleaning have been highly successful as perks that entice employees of all ages to continue their employment. Posting jobs ...

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