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(ILR) Industrial labor relation song

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# Find a link on the Internet to a video performance or sound recording of a song that deals with a union organizing or a labor dispute.

# Briefly explain what the song is about, including its historical significance, and the subject matter of its lyrics. (Hint: songwriters who composed or covered these sorts of songs in the U.S. in the 20th century include artists such as: Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, etc.)

# Include both the link and your explanation about the song in your answer.

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Solution Summary

An analysis of an industrial labor relation song is brainstormed in the following posting. References are also provided to further validate the findings.

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Sound recording: Joan Baez, folk singer of the 60's to the present.
Site: www.farmworkermovement.org

3 songs are song at a rally for Cesar Chavez, the famous Spanish American labor organizer of farm workers, mostly of Mexican descent. He organized the laborers of the 60's through the 80's to improve working conditions and the methods that were used to employ undocumented immigrants by growers. Growers would not improve working conditions ...

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