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MNE's - How to reduce terrorist threats overseas

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Beyond checklists and systematic analysis, what actions do you believe MNEs can take to reduce risks related to terrorism? What role would you as the HRM take in these actions?

Dowling, P., Festing, M. and Engle, A. (2009). International human resource management, (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. And please just let me know what area of pages we used...THANKS!


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As the HR working in a MNE overseas in areas that are targets for terrorism, it would be important to utilize safety measures in all actions relating to the company and its people. The job of the HR is to help the company make good decisions in regards to the location of specific operations and the people there.

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As the HR working in a MNE overseas in areas that are targets for terrorism, it would be important to utilize safety measures in all actions relating to the company and its people. The job of the HR is to help the company make good decisions in regards to the location of specific operations and the people there. As the HR, you can evaluate the political and social climate in ...

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