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Go global

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Consider the following scenario: You own your own company and would like to "go global!" Research a potential market and product to get your export operations started and present your findings to potential investors.
? Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® (plus one reference slide) presentation with detailed speaker's notes.
? Include at least 3 resources besides the textbook and format them using APA guidelines.
? Explain why and how you made your decision to export to the market you chose.
? Use the outline in Appendix A, and the information you gathered throughout the course to complete the assignment.

I want to export heavy duty machinery and equipment into the Brazil market. Apply this into the scenario and assist with the answering of the stated question. Also, use the attached appendix to address the listed points.

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Solution Summary

The response addresses the queries posted in well made ppt presentation with notes, APA References

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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